Articles published in 2024

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April 2024
The acclaimed actress loves a challenge. She'll be at this year's INK Festival in Halesworth talking about her career, her love of theatre and performance, and what the future holds for the arts.
March 2024
Biographer Oliver Soden never intended to be a writer, despite spending childhood holidays on the Suffolk coast with one of Britain's favourite children's authors. He returns to talk about his latest work at the Aldeburgh Literary Festival.
March 2024
Art historian Susan Owens is used to delving into the past, so she's looking forward to learning the full story of the building she rescued and made into an unusual Suffolk home.
February 2024
It's the most important question for Lee Child, creator of the ever-popular Jack Reacher novels, film and TV series. He may get some answers this month as he e-meets his audience in the Suffolk Libraries Online Book Festival
Book mentioned in this article: The Secret by Lee Child
February 2024
As a home help Dora Brown is a tour de force, a made-up person making a real impact that goes way beyond a basic clean and tidy-up
January 2024
East Anglian Daily Times
It's the most important question for Lee Child, creator of the ever-popular Jack Reacher novels, film and TV series. This article first appeared in the February issue of Suffolk magazine.
January 2024
Shetland Wool Adventures Journal
Mati applied for one of the National Trust properties in Fair Isle but she didn't feel she had any transferrable skills for remote island life.
January 2024
Shetland Wool Adventures Journal
The renowned printmaker Angela Harding's creative journey unfolds in the captivating landscapes of the British Isles, including a recent residency in Fair Isle.
Book mentioned in this article: A Year Unfolding by Angela Harding
Another book mentioned in this article: Wild Light by Angela Harding
January 2024
In a modest building on the quay at Woodbridge, a small team of volunteers and apprentices is carving a new chapter in the Sutton Hoo story.
