Articles published in 2023

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March 2023
Novelist and columnist India Knight will share her belief in the healing power of humour at this year's Aldeburgh Literary Festival.
Book mentioned in this article: Darling by India Knight
March 2023
Hanna Rudd, marine scientist and friend to sharks, is on a mission to get us to care more about what lies under our seas and oceans.
Book mentioned in this article: Britain's Living Seas by Hannah Rudd
February 2023
This England
Catherine Larner speaks to garden writer Barbara Segall about her new book on the secret gardens of Kent, Sussex and Surrey.
Book mentioned in this article: Secret Gardens of the South Wast by Barbara Segall
February 2023
A group of young sailors from Suffolk are starting 2023 as world champions, winning a thrilling competition in Australia.
January 2023
Festivals, signings, launch parties, television and radio discussions, book clubs, blogs, even BookTok - there are so many ways we can engage with authors and their work these days.
