Articles published in category Business
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June 2005
Spa Business
The spa hotels on Margaret Island, Budapest have been refurbished and remarketed to attract new visitors
April 2005
Club Business Europe
Virgin Active marks the opening of its 100th facility with a tour of two of its newest clubs in Italy.
February 2005
Spa Business
The Hasseludden Hotel near Stockholm has transformed itself into a Japanese-style spa resort
January 2005
Club Business Europe
Societal and governmental forces propel industry growth
October 2004
Club Business Europe
One of the world's leading futurist looks at what's ahead for the health club industry
September 2004
Spa Business
Visiting the Divani Apollon Palace hotel in Athens, with its luxurious thalasso centre, a year after opening.
July 2004
Club Business Europe
Government promotion of exercise benefits boosts industry prospects.
April 2004
Club Business Europe
The first in a chain of 12 Virgin Active Lifecentres opens in Genoa, Italy.
January 2004
In a challenging sales environment, more and more club companies are looking to see what they can do to hold on to the members they have.
January 2004
Club Business Europe
Management guru, Tom Peters is back - goading, bellowing and pushing the industry to new heights.
September 2003
Club Business Europe
Favourable demographics fuel long-term demand in the UK.
September 2003
Club Business Europe
Chastened by the economy, operators remain bullish about industry potential.
September 2003
Club Business Europe
How Elixia sprang from nowhere to become a major player - in just 24 months.
April 2003
Club Business International
Werner Kiester has created a successful 118-club company by focusing, exclusively, on strength training