Articles published in category Business
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April 2008
Club Business International
From ice cream vans to care homes to health clubs, the entrepreneur Duncan Bannatyne talks about building successful businesses
March 2008
Is Duncan Bannatyne really as hard, arrogant and ruthless as his tv image?
January 2008
Club Business Europe
Looking at franchising endeavours in the European fitness industry.
November 2007
Club Business Europe
France's struggle with poor lifestyle habits presents an opportunity for French clubs.
November 2007
Club Business Europe
Thoughts on 'the Eurosphere' and the fitness industry from the UK's wunderkind.
June 2007
Club Business Europe
What is being done to assist those who need remedial care?
June 2007
Club Business Europe
European club operators discuss financial analysis.
March 2007
Club Business Europe
The 2007 show in April promises a variety of appealing innovations
March 2007
Club Business Europe
Standards and VAT are just two of the many issues the European federations are working on
January 2007
Club Business Europe
Opinions are mixed - and conflicting data doesn't help.
May 2006
Club Business International
Colin Waggett, the COO and CFO of Fitness First is fired up about the chain's new owners, new goals and new opportunities
March 2006
Club Business Europe
Now even the French are facing the obesity issue - slowly
October 2005
Woman Alive
She heads a multi-million pound business and is one of the best known faces in diet and fitness
July 2005
Club Business Europe
Local players dominate in a land of outdoor sport enthusiasts
June 2005
Club Business International
Scott Lloyd personifies the promising Next Generation of club developers