Articles published in category Suffolk and Norfolk

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December 2020
Bookshops, gift ideas, libraries' latest and Suffolk's first literary agency
November 2020
Countdown's Susie Dent, the nation's favourite lexicographer, explains her love for words.
October 2020
Julie Welch was the UK's first female football reporter. She credits her years at Felixstowe college for giving her the confidence to succeed in a world of men
October 2020
Supernatural beliefs and fairy traditions once helped us to make sense of life's tribulations. It's a theme broadcaster and writer Sally Magnusson explores in her latest novel.
July 2020
Carol Drinkwater became a household name as the TV wife of a Yorkshire vet. These days she's a bestselling novelist and will be speaking from her home in France for Felixstowe's online book festival.
July 2020
Author Phoebe Morgan longs to escape home to Suffolk but for now she's revisiting in the pages of her new psychological thriller.
July 2020
Enjoy libraries online, writing competitions, new books and a virtual festival
June 2020
Premier Christianity
As he approaches his 70th birthday this month, Rowan Williams is anticipating a change of scene, and a change of pace.
June 2020
If you've discovered the joy of knitting during lockdown, you'll enjoy Esther Rutter's new book 'This Golden Fleece'
June 2020
Lockdown can't stop us singing! Take Bury Bach Choir - concerts may be cancelled but they're using technology to stay in harmony
May 2020
Dr Rowan Williams' new book coincides with Bury St Edmunds' celebration of the founding of its Benedictine abbey
May 2020
Work by the Bawdsey Radar Trust reveals the huge role women played in securing the nation's wartime defences
May 2020
Suffolk is the setting for Lesley Glaister's latest novel about two survivors of the horrors of the Great War looking for love
April 2020
Local authors, stores, reading schemes, festivals and more
April 2020
These are exciting times for regional theatre, says Eastern Angles' director Ivan Cutting.
