Articles published in category travel
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March 2009
Woman Alive
Enjoying the history and hospitality of the West Lindsey churches in rural Lincolnshire
January 2009
Woman Alive
A family run cafe serves up some tasty treats at Southwell Minster
July 2008
Club Business Europe
Club operators in Portugal have been set back this year by some ill-conceived decisions by the government that may have wide-ranging implications for the sector.
November 2007
Club Business Europe
France's struggle with poor lifestyle habits presents an opportunity for French clubs.
March 2007
Club Business Europe
The 2007 show in April promises a variety of appealing innovations
March 2007
Club Business Europe
Standards and VAT are just two of the many issues the European federations are working on
March 2006
Club Business Europe
Now even the French are facing the obesity issue - slowly
July 2005
Club Business Europe
Local players dominate in a land of outdoor sport enthusiasts
June 2005
Spa Business
The spa hotels on Margaret Island, Budapest have been refurbished and remarketed to attract new visitors
April 2005
Club Business Europe
Virgin Active marks the opening of its 100th facility with a tour of two of its newest clubs in Italy.
February 2005
Spa Business
The Hasseludden Hotel near Stockholm has transformed itself into a Japanese-style spa resort
January 2005
Club Business Europe
Societal and governmental forces propel industry growth
September 2004
Spa Business
Visiting the Divani Apollon Palace hotel in Athens, with its luxurious thalasso centre, a year after opening.
April 2004
Club Business Europe
The first in a chain of 12 Virgin Active Lifecentres opens in Genoa, Italy.