Articles published in category media
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November 2020
Countdown's Susie Dent, the nation's favourite lexicographer, explains her love for words.
October 2020
Julie Welch was the UK's first female football reporter. She credits her years at Felixstowe college for giving her the confidence to succeed in a world of men
July 2020
Carol Drinkwater became a household name as the TV wife of a Yorkshire vet. These days she's a bestselling novelist and will be speaking from her home in France for Felixstowe's online book festival.
March 2020
Comedy writer Jon Canter's play about the perils of writing books adds an exciting dimension to the Aldeburgh Literary Festival
March 2020
Virginia Nicholson explores the decade of her childhood. She talks to Catherine Larner about her book 'How Was it For You?'
November 2019
Catherine Larner talks to actor, novelist and screenwriter Ruth Jones ahead of her visit to the Lavenham Literary Festival.